The University of Murcia (UMU) is an international non-profit institution with over a hundred years behind it, although its origins can be traced back to the 12th century. Today, it is home to more than 30,000 students (2,000 of them from abroad), 3,000 researchers and lecturers, and an administration force counting 1,200. The UMU is a reference for Higher Education in southeast Spain. UMU is responsible for coordinating the PhraseoLAB project, and the departments involved in the project are the Department of English Studies and the relatively young Department of Translation and Interpreting (15 years). Both of them can look back on solid research activities in various linguistic disciplines. In particular, the fields of applied and cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, foreign language didactics, and phraseology and phraseodidactics are part of the research tradition of both departments, as the various research groups show.

Dr. Florentina Micaela Mena Martínez

She is PhD in English Praseology, is a lecture and researcher at the Department of English Studies of the University of Murcia for more than 20 years. Her teaching tasks focus on English as a foreign language and on contrastive phraseology. Strongly connected with her teaching tasks, her research areas are contrastive linguistics, language teaching and acquisition, stylistics, phraseology and contrastive phraseology (English-Spanish). With her dissertation “La desautomatizacion de las paremias inglesas” she is one of the pioneers of phraseology as a field of research at Spanish universcities, which is also confirmed by her numerous contributions to English and Spanish phraseology. Furthermore, she has coordinated and implemented several research projects and teaching innovation project groups on phraseodidactics, on which the plurilingual principles constituted the pedagogical approach. She has also collaborated in the project, “Widespread Idioms from Europe and beyond” directed by Elisabeth Piirainen. Results of her research projects are already online accessible phraseological learning materials like phras.eu. Her experience in the contrastive field together with her work in the teaching innovation activities will be an added value for the design and implementation of the PhraseoLab project.

Dr. Carola Strohschen

PhD and lecture in the Department of Translation and Interpretation. Her teaching activities in the Department of German Philology include German as a Foreign Language, German Culture and Contrastive Phraseology. Her areas of research are didactics of German as a foreign language, cognitive linguistics, phraseology and phraseodidactics, intercultural studies. She is a member of the research group INTERFRADIS (UMU). Through her leadership and participation in research groups and projects on multilingual phraseology and phraseodidactics (Phraseopedia, redewe.de, phras.eu) she has gained experience in the use of digital media and the creation of digital learning tools, which has a particular value for the PhraseoLab project. Several of her papers deal with the research area of phraseology and phraseodidactics.


The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (https://en.uoa.gr), with a student body of about 125000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, over 2000 members of academic staff and approximately 1300 administrative and secretarial staff and specialised personnel, is the largest state institution of higher learning in Greece. The Faculty of German Language and Literature (http://en.gs.uoa.gr) is one of the 15 faculties of the School of Philosophy and it has a long research tradition in the fields of linguistics and foreign language learning.

Dr. Marios Chrissou

Professor in the department of German Language and Literature holds PhD degree in Phraseology. He has collaborated in the project “Widespread Idioms from Europe and beyond” directed by Elisabeth Piirainen and created the digital learning material for the seminar “Phraseology”. He is director of the postgraduate studies “Didactics of German as a foreign language” of the Hellenic Open University. He was a member of the scientific committee of the major conference of Europhras (2018) and of the conference “Current trends in phraseology and proverb research worldwide” (2021) in Wroclaw/Poland. Since 2000 he is a member of the European Society Phraseology (Europhras). His research focuses on the areas of phraseology, phraseodidactics and foreign language teaching with digital technologies.


Aarhus University (AU) was founded in 1928. It has 38,000 students; about 1,800 PhD students – of which one in four has a foreign nationality – and app. 8,000 employees, 6.300 of which are researchers (2018). Aarhus University (AU) is a top ten university among universities founded within the past 100 years. The School of Communication and Culture belongs to the Faculty of Arts and offers a broad range of research and degree programs across a variety of fields: Western European languages, Aesthetics, Literature, Information and media studies, Linguistics, Scandinavian Studies, and cultures as well as the Arts. Internationalisation is part of the University’s mission.

Dr. Erla Hallsteinsdóttir

The department of German and Roman languages has strong research traditions in the fields of linguistics and foreign language didactics. The key person, Erla Hallsteinsdottir is a lecture and PhD in German linguistics. She has a significant scientific record with publications on linguistics, didactics, phraseology and intercultural communication as well as hands-on teaching materials within the field of phraseology and Danish-German communication. She is a member of the EUROPHRAS advisory board and the programme committee of the EUROPHRAS 2021 conference in Belgium, and she will be heading the organisation of the EUROPHRAS 2025 conference in Aarhus. Her experience on how to develop learning and teaching materials as well as her research expertise within phraseology and phraseodidactics, including MWU and the GeR, corpus linguistic research on MWU and MWU in dictionaries are of particular importance in the development of the teaching and learning materials in the PhraseoLab project. Her study on the phraseological optimum (2006) in particular is one of the cornerstones of the project.


University Szczecin (US) has, in under 30 years, established itself as the leading HEI in West Pomerania. The fields of study offered by the Faculty of Humanities include Global Communication (English studies), English Philology, German Philology, German Philology with a foreign language, Spanish Philology, Norwegian Philology, Romance Philology, Romance Philology with a selected foreign language, Russian Philology with an additional foreign language, Linguistics for business – Russian-Polish- German translation, Russian-Polish translation studies with an additional foreign language, Polish Philology, Journalism and social communication, Journalism and media management, reative writing, Baltic cultural studies, archaeology, philosophy, history, cognitive science of communication, intercultural mediation, the media and civilization, cultural heritage manager, international relations, war and military studies and Italian Philology with elements of Christianity studies.

Dr. habil. Anna Sulikowska

She is associate professor at the Institute for Lingustics and PhD. Her research focuses on the areas of didactics, phraseology and cognitive linguistics. In these research areas she has published about 50 scientific publications. In the context of foreign language didactics, Sulikowska has dealt with learning strategies, autonomous learning, and the role of memory in the learning process. She organised and conducted several workshops on the use of mnemonics, cognitive and metacognitive strategies for the students and teachers of Szczecin schools.